Title: Effective bowel management beyond laxatives: best practice for transanal irrigation
Date: 8th December 2021
Time: 19:00-20:00 (GMT)
Location: online
Presenters: Consultant Gastroenterologist Professor Anton Emmanuel, Specialist Continence Advanced Nurse Practitioner Carlene Igbedioh
This webinar from the Bowel Interest Group (BIG), sponsored by Coloplast, will focus on transanal irrigation (TAI) as a timely and cost-effective treatment for chronic constipation, and will investigate the challenges and opportunities associated with TAI treatment.
The key learning objectives for participants of this webinar are to:
· Acquire a practical understanding of bowel dysfunction
· Identify symptoms and when to consider TAI treatment: why-when-how
· Understand the patient journey for TAI
· Consider rationale and cost implications using BIG’s ‘Bowel Dysfunction Treatment Pyramid’
· Understand how to follow up with the patient and troubleshoot
Please note, this webinar is intended for UK healthcare professionals only. This webinar has been funded by sponsorship from Coloplast. Coloplast has had no involvement in, or influence over the content.