Limited places available for our CPD Training Course on Seating Posture & Pressure Care Management - The Essentials
Don’t miss out on a valuable FREE CPD Training session in your area.
We are running our course at Hockley Golf Club, Winchester on the 17th May.
Only 7 places left
Registration will be at 9am to start the course promptly at 9.30am.
Free lunch and refreshments are provided.
Finishing at 3pm
What people say:
“I did not know enough about specialist seating before this course. It was very useful”
“Very informative, engaging and interactive”
“Excellent course, I feel much more confident to carry out more effective seating assessments”
BOOK NOW or For The Training Overview - careflex website
Or Email For More Information -
Learning Outcomes
1. Identify common challenges relating to sitting posture through good assessment techniques.
2. Understand how to address these common challenges.
3. Understand the need for postural and pressure management.
4. Be able to describe the impact of seating on comfort and function
5. Understand the long term value of appropriate seating
6. Be able to support funding requests for specialist seating with clear documentation.