France – 8-10 June
We are looking for submissions in the following fields:
Special sessions (1h30 / 2h duration) and workshop topics can be submitted by sending an email with title, abstract, organizers contact and intended list of speakers.
Submitted papers must contain unpublished material. The deadline for submission is February 28, 2016.
The manuscripts must be 2 to 4 pages long and submitted in English. Please click here to download a sample abstract.
Posters must be brought in person by the author and should not be mailed in advance. The required dimensions are 841 (width) by 1189 mm (height) (A0)
Illustrations must be produced heavily and clearly, so that all posters can be readable from a distance of 1.5 meters. .
Authors have to submit their paper online through the following link EASYCHAIR. If there is any issue with submitting your abstract, please contact us.
Best papers will be considered to be published in an extended version in Artificial Organs Journal.
Important dates:
Submission of special session and workshop topics: January 29 2016
Submission of papers: February 28 2016
Notification of acceptance: March 25 2016
570 Euro for 2 days.
55 Euro on top if go to workshop on 7th June.