Mindfulness and Health

7th Apr 2015

This is a good introduction to the topics of mindfulness as an attitude, exploring spirituality and psychological wellbeing for health.


09:30 Registration/Tea and Coffee
10:00 Workshop starts (there will be a break for lunch)
16:30 Workshop ends


Am I experiencing a spiritual awakening? What do we mean by spirituality? Is there a meaning or purpose to our lives? Why do I feel so restless? We believe that Mindfulness is an important tool for psychologists and public at large. This workshop will enable you to become familiar with the concept of mindfulness in a safe environment.

Join us in a mindful journey through the philosophical, neuropsychological and existential dimensions of spirituality. Gain further insight into mindfulness and its implications for better health. The principles underpinning mindfulness (awareness, acceptance and gratefulness) have proved effective antidotes to common psychological distress such as anxiety, ruminations, anger and fear. This therapeutic approach has proved effective also for symptom reduction in illnesses with a physical origin. Hence, it will support you to understand how biological, social and psychological factors influence health and illness.

Mindfulness can be applied to different processes, namely a psychological trait, the practice of cultivating mindfulness (through meditation for instance), a state of awareness or a psychological process. In this workshop we will examine the theory and empiric evidence to differentiate these processes and how to use them in a therapeutic context. Mindfulness has been theoretically and empirically associated with psychological well-being. The principles underpinning mindfulness (awareness, acceptance and gratefulness) have proved effective antidotes to common psychological distress such as anxiety, ruminations, anger, fear: etc. This therapeutic approach has proved effective also for symptom reduction in illnesses with a physical origin. Hence, it will support health psychologists to understand how biological, social and psychological factors influence health and illness.

Target audience

Anyone with an interest in the topic will be welcome.It will be of special value for Health Psychologists due to its wide spread applications. Mindfulness has been theoretically and empirically associated with psychological well-being. The principles underpinning mindfulness (awareness, acceptance and gratefulness) have proved effective antidotes to common psychological distress such as anxiety, ruminations, anger, fear: etc. This therapeutic approach has proved effective also for symptom reduction in illnesses with a physical origin. Hence, it will support health psychologists understand how biological, social and psychological factors influence health and illness.

Learning outcomes and objectives

You will get an introduction to mindfulness as an attitude
You will increase your confidence to approach spirituality experiences such as hearing voices.
You will learn a number of techniques that will help your clients increase their wellbeing
You will learn more about the psychological, emotional and physiological effects of spiritual practices.
You will learn about self-management and peer support.
Facilitator: Maria Naranjo MBPsS

Maria Naranjo is a psychologist that has funded a social enterprise Mind’s Well to train professionals and the wider public in psychological skills and knowledge. In 2012, Maria secured funds from the BPS Public Engagement Grant Scheme and we produced Hurting to heal (a multimedia resource that helps people understand self-harm and recovery). Since inception we have trained more than 800 professionals on different courses, workshops and seminars.

Co-Facilitator: Tamara Mount MBPsS

Booking information


Price: £144(£120 +VAT)
Affiliate subscribers: £131 (£109.17 + VAT)
Society members: £108 (£90 + VAT)
DHP members: £90 (£75 + VAT)

This workshop is being financially supported by the Society’s Division of Health Psychology who have invested in the 2015 CPD programme for the benefit of their members.

How to book:

Please note: online bookings will close on 6 Aprl 2015. Please call +44 (0)116 2529512 for availability after this point.

To pay by cheque or request an invoice complete and return the registration form.

Please note that we are only able to accept invoice requests at least 6 weeks before the event date.

BPS London Office
07/04/2015 - 09:30 - 16:30
Contact Information:
BPS Professional Development Centre
Tel: +44 (0)116 252 9925
Fax: +44 (0)116 227 1314
EFax: +44 (0)116 290 1886
Division of Health Psychology & BPS Professional Development Centre


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