Spinal Cord Injury Iberian Symposium – 2015 (SCiS-2015). The 1st edition

30th Nov-1st Dec 2015


The 1st edition of this symposium, organized by Santa Casa

da Misericórdia de Lisboa (SCML), Associação Salvador and ICVS/3B’s
Associate Laboratory, will be dedicated to “New Paradigms in Spinal Cord
Injury Regenerative Medicine”.

We believe that we have put together an exciting and vibrant program for
both scientists and general public.

The main objectives of SCiS-2015 are:

  • To discuss the most recent advances within the field and their possible
    translation toclinical practice. In order to do so, a list of leading
    experts in the field will present and discuss their most recent data on
    topics such as clinical applications, stem cells, biomaterials and
    regenerative medicine, pharmacotherapies and new models to study SCI repair
  • To bring the community closer to the scientists and clinicians. Several
    sessions will be open to the general public, namely to SCI patients and
    their relatives. Additionally, participants will have the chance to
    directly interact with scientists in a “Meet the Scientist” lunch session.
    Finally, sessions on daily life routines, such as physiotherapy, sports and
    a small job fair will also be organized.
  • To foster collaboration between groups from Portugal and Spain with the
    rest of Europe and North America, by bringing closer these scientific
    communities and stimulate the discussion, so important advances can be
    made towards the progression of the field. Plenary and keynote talks, short
    oral presentations and poster sessions will be the basis for this.

Reasons to attend SCiS-2015

. Confirmed Speakers: Grégoire Courtine, Brian Kwon,
Eva Sykova, Mónica Sousa, Julian Scott-Taylor,Leonor Saúde, António
Francisco, Ruben Lopez, Samuel David, Nuno Silva, António
Salgado, Abhay Pandit, Moises Mallo

. Special sessions dedicated to SCI patients focused on physiotherapy,
sports and employment

. No registration fees

. Travel Grants: up to 30 travelling grants for young researchers to
attend the meeting (provided by SCML)


MORE INFORMATION at http://scis.org.pt/en/ 


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