• Conference chairs

‘Up to Your Neck in it!’: Life with Tetraplegia

28th Nov 2019



MASCIP’s 21st Annual Conference.

Title: ‘Up to Your Neck in it!’: Life with Tetraplegia
Date: 28th November 2019
Venue: Burleigh Court, Imago Conference Centre, Loughborough University (West Park), Loughborough, LE11 3GR

View location on Google maps.

The conference will specifically focus on the various issues pertaining to the management of individuals with tetraplegia. As in previous years we are inviting MASCIP members to present at the conference. The format of the conference will again comprise keynote speakers covering a range of topics on the conference theme, with each being followed by selected MASCIP members’ presentations. We will be seeking abstracts from MASCIP members for oral submissions based on aspects of the conference theme. Presentations will be of 15 minutes’ duration, including time for questions.


Abstracts (maximum 300 words) should be completed using the abstract template and sent to Dot Tussler on dottussler@gmail.com. The deadline for abstract submissions is 30th September 2019. Successful submissions will be notified by 14th October 2019, with completed final presentations required by 13th November 2019. Successful oral presentations will receive a reduced conference fee.

Penny Mullen Poster Prize

Poster submissions are also invited. Please download the guidelines for further information. Abstracts for these should be received by 14th October 2019. There is no reduced conference fee for successful poster submissions.


Download the 2019 sponsorship package details.


Download the programme.


Registration is now closed as the event is fully booked.

For further information please email Lorraine Hedgecock, MASCIP Secretary, on mascipsecretary@gmail.com.


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